About LWC

Mission Statement

Liberty: the use of freedom without infringing on the freedom of others.

Liberty Watchdog Confederation (LWC) is an international confederation of groups and organisations focused on defending and restoring the liberty of the people.

LWC Structure

The LWC is composed local groups and organisations (Confederate Members) which operate independently, focusing on the needs and circumstances in their localities, but who network and coordinate together to make common cause. LWC National Chapters coordinate, communicate and facilitate directly with the Confederate Members.

Why a Confederation and not a Federation?

In a Confederation the Confederate Members are the sovereign, while in a Federation sovereignty is held by the Federal body.

The purpose of the LWC is not to dictate to it’s Confederates Members what they should and/or should not do, but is to form local, national and international alliances which can rally together when the call to defend Liberty is sounded.

What is a Confederate Member?

A Confederate Member is any individual, group, organisation, etc, who/which agrees to the following:

  • LWC Mission Statement
  • Mutual proactive informing of planned/upcoming events
  • Mutually make common cause (in relation to the LWC Mission Statement) however and whenever possible

How to Join?

Whether you are interested in National Chapters or want to become a Confederate Member, please start by simply sending us an E-mail stating your interest, and we will get back in contact with you right away.